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A simple REST API around a python package for automatic speech recognition (ASR)
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Relay messages between UDP and a websocket with Python. Faster together.
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Fullscreen video kiosk demo using the Google Chrome browser
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Critical Climate Machine public repository - Gaëtan Robillard and Jolan Goulin
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Collection of Filemaker JDBC drivers that need to be published as maven artifacts to make them available for projects like kafka-connect-jdbc
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Simple hand tracker using ofxTensorFlow2
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IoT data system using the open-source Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT message broker
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Simple spoken language identifier using ofxTensorFlow2
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Spoken Language Identification on Common Voice and AudioSet using Deep Learning
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Auto-adaptive, AI-supported museum label with language identification
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Tensorflow AI/ML library wrapper for OpenFrameworks
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Send an OSC message when a big red button is pressed
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Relay messages between an MQTT message broker and OSC
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Arbitrary style transformation of an input image, video, or camera source
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Style Transfer using ofxTensorFlow2
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Forward TF-Luna LIDAR sensor events over OSC, UDP, or Thingsboard
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thoscy: THingsboard OSC relaY